Sunday, May 10, 2009


Clear skies and warm temperatures made it seem as if the day was going to be perfect for a triathlon. But winds from the north had other ideas and made it hard for the safety crews to stay in position on the water. Run-Bike-Run was the new race for the day. 2 hours and 6 minutes later I crossed the finish line 14th place out of the 60 competitors. I felt great on the tt bike and pushed my avg speed to above 20mph. The run was fine but difficult in the sand. I just pushed on with my avg pace. The first mile into the run took a minute for the body to kick in but after a water station and gu I felt pretty good.
If triathlon entry fees continue to increase (near 100 dollars for this one)I only see myself doing maybe one a year. I may do more ICup mtb. races instead.
Even though it was dissapointing to not do an actual tri, It was still good to see friends. I hope AJ has recovered and Rico has found his walking muscles again.
By this time the winds went elsewhere and people were swimming the course. Oh well.


Team Rico said...

That is what I like to here. More ICUP. You going to do Soldier Hollow this weekend

Bearonabike said...

I would like to however I am Supporting the wife at the Women of Steel.